13th World Congress on Pain in Montreal Canada
Friday, September 17th, 2010
A Tarlov cyst “poster” (a common type of visual, scientific presentation made at medical conferences) was presented at the 13th World Congress on Pain August 30 – Sept. 2, in Montreal. The title of the poster presentation is: Epidemiological Study of Tarlov Nerve-Root Cysts (TC) An Overlooked, Treatable Cause of Chronic Pain and Dysfunction
The poster was prepared by Anne Louise Oaklander, M.D. Ph.D., Priya Devan, research assistant to Anne Louise Oaklander, and Reta Honey Hiers, RNC, President of the Tarlov Cyst Disease Foundation. Thousands of physicians from more than 85 countries in the world viewed this information and have a copy of it in the book prepared for attendees at this international conference. This is partly a compilation of Dr. Oaklander’s research, and includes patient surveys, in which many of you have participated . Thank you for your help and support in the research process through contribution of your information and donations. If you are a Tarlov cyst patient and have not yet participated in the Patient Survey, please do so today. It is located on the “Surveys & Research” page of the website.